Holidays for Cows – Tegoška planina

Every year, around mid-June, you might notice many tractors with trailers of cows on the road. That’s when cows are going on “holidays” in the planina – mountain pasture. Ours go to Tegoška planina. It is located at 1,450 m above sea level and along the Košuta, which is part of Karavanks and border with Austria.

Hiking paths

Last weekend we dropped our cows in the planina and this weekend we went to help “clean” the field. As you can see, the pasture is huge and there are a lots of thing to prepare, such as repairing fences, removing rocks and cutting bag plants from the grass.

That’s what we were doing. A lot of people go there for hiking.

From Tegoška planina, there are many nice paths that lead to neighboring mountains, like Kofce, Šija, Pungrat and Dolga njiva. The paths are rather easy to walk, but they are unmarked, so be careful (and don’t forget to check the weather).

Personally, I haven’t got the time (and energy) to do the paths, but here there are:

Planšarija – Alpine dairy farm

Beside being a mountain pasture, it is also an alpine dairy farm. You can buy milk products such as sour milk, cottage cheese and cream. And if you are hungry or thirsty, you can also get drinks and food.

They also offer accommodation if you want a nice getaway (with little signal).

One thing that I like about Slovenia, is there is a drinking water everywhere. While working, we drank most of our water and we were able to refill it – but not from the pipe. But directly from the studenec – spring water, it’s like a little course of water with drinkable water.

In general, if you see a drinking korito (see picture on the right) – you can fill your bottle, and of course, be mindful to not contaminate it.

So, summer is here with field work and school holidays. The cows are enjoying their holidays. As for me, it’s busy-busy and I’m just hoping for good weather. This year, the rain delayed us a lot and we had to work double/triple to catch up.

Have a great summer and be safe if you plan to go hiking or anywhere in Nature!

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