Conjunctions of Time in Slovene

Conjunctions, known as vezniki, are words that are used to connect two clauses together, in a way that the sentence will make sense. Conjunctions are not affected by genders, numbers or declensions.

Conjunctions are divided into priredni (coordinating) and podredni (subordinating). Conjunctions of time, časovni vezniki are at the start of a subordinating clause. Meaning that they cannot be used alone.

Read more about Conjunctions in Slovene.

Kadar – when

Kadar is used when an independent clause happen every time the condition of the dependent clause is fulfilled.

  • Kadar mačke ni doma, miši plešejo (When the cat is not home, the mice dance), means that every time that the cat is not home, the mice will dance.
  • Pridete na obisk, kadar hočete (Come visit, when you want to).
Kadar can be replaced with kadarkoli (whenever) , vsakič ko (every time).

Ko – when

Ko is used when a dependent clause is happening at the same time as a independent clause.

  • Ko prideš domov, me pokliči (When you get home, call me) means that the moment you arrive home, you would call me.
  • Ko sem se zbudila, je že šel v službo (When I woke up, he already went to work).
Ko can be replaced with potem ko (when).

Preden – before

Preden is used when the dependent clause happens after the independent one.

  • Preden je šel spat, je ugasnil luč (Before going to sleep, he turned off the light) means that he turned off the light before he went to sleep.
  • Dolgo je razmišljal, preden ji je povedal novico (He thought a long time before telling her the news).

Dokler – as long as

Dokler is used when a independent clause will last as long as the dependent clause is going on.

  • Dokler smo zdravi, lahko delamo (As long as we are healthy, we can work) means that the moment we get sick, we wouldn’t be able to work anymore.
  • Dokler imam službo, bom imela plačo (As long as I have a job, I will have a paycheck).

Medtem ko – meanwhile

Medtem ko is used when a dependent clause is happening at the same time as a independent clause, but with two long action verbs (Imperfect verbs – Nedovršni Glagoli).

  • Medtem ko študiram slovenščino, otroci delajo domače naloge (Meanwhile I am studying Slovene, the children are doing homework).
  • Liam pere avto, medtem ko Pavla dela na vrtu (Liam is washing the car, meanwhile Pavla is working in the garden).

Conjunctions are very useful for formulating sentences, but sometimes, which one to use can get confusing. As long as you read, listen and practice, it will become a lot easier! If you have any questions, comments – do let me know!

Discover more Slovene “lessons” that might interest you: Slovene Numbers & NumeralsSlovene Nouns & PronounsSlovene VerbsSlovene AdjectivesSlovene SyntaxSlovenian IdiomsSlovene Adverbs.

Impersonal Pronouns in Slovene

Pronouns are used to replace a noun that has been mentioned before. In Slovene, when the pronoun doesn’t refer to a person or an object in particular, they are called impersonal pronouns – neosebni zaimki.

They are divided into seven sub-groups.

Because impersonal pronouns are not specific,
kdo (who) is masculine and kaj (what) is neuter.

Interrogative pronouns (vprašalni zaimki)

The interrogative pronouns (who, what) is at the beginning of a question and it is used to ask about an unspecific or unknown person or thing. You should already be familiar with them: question words related to skloni.

5o komo čem
6s koms čim

For example,

  • O čem5 govorite (What are you talking about)?
  • Koga4 ste srečali na sejmu (Who did you meet at the fair)?
  • S kom6 ste hodili v šolo (With who did you go to school)?

Indefinite pronouns (nedoločni zaimki)

The indefinite pronouns (someone, something) are used when the noun is unknown or when you don’t want named it.

5o nekomo nečem
6z nekomz nečim

For example,

  • Nekdo1 te je včeraj poklical (Someone called you yesterday).
  • Pri prijatelju bi nekaj4 jedel (He will eat something at his friend’s house).
  • Otrok se boji nečesa2 (The child is scared of something).

Relative pronouns (oziralni zaimki)

The relative pronouns (who, which) are used to introduce a dependent clause, which clarifies or adds information to an independent clause.

5o komero čemer
6s komers čimer

For example,

  • Kdor1 se zadnji smeje, se najslajše smeje (He, who laught last, laughs best).
  • Kar4 sem slišal, mi ni bilo všeč (I didn’t like what I heard).
  • Pri komur3 se počutim dobro (With whom I feel good).

(This one is a little more complex, so it will be discussed in a separate post.)

Negative pronouns (nikalni zaimki)

The negative pronouns (no one, nothing) are used when the person or thing doesn’t exist.

5o nikomero ničemer
6z nikomerz ničimer

For example,

  • Nihče1 si ne upa govoriti z njim, ko je besen (No one dares to talk with him when he is furious).
  • Nič4 ni rekel (He said nothing).
  • Nikogar2 nisem poklicala za pomoč (I didn’t call anyone for help).

Arbitrary pronouns (poljubnostni zaimki)

The arbitrary pronouns (who, what) are written the same as the interrogative pronouns, but they are used to express an unspecified person or thing, and not as a question.

5o komo čem
6s koms čim

For example,

  • Hoče vedeti, s kom6 ste šli v kino včeraj (He wants to know with who you went to the movies yesterday) instead of S kom6 ste šli v kino včeraj (With who did you go to the movies yesterday)?
  • Ne vem o čem5 sta govorila (I don’t know what did you two talked about) instead of O čem sta govorila (What did you two talked about)?
  • Ne vem kdo1 je bil (I don’t know who it was) instead of Kdo je (Who is it)?

Plural pronouns (mnogostni zaimki)

Plural pronouns (many people, many things) are used when there are many indefinite, arbitrary people or things.

5o marsikomo marsičem
6s marsikoms marsičem

For example,

  • Marsikdo1 ne bo šel volit (Many people will not go voting).
  • Marsikomu3 je bil hvaležen (He was grateful to many people).
  • V Ameriki se je marsičesa2 naučil (He learnt many things in America).

Universal pronouns (celostni zaimki)

Universal pronouns (everyone, everything) are used to point at each individual person or thing from a group.

5o vsakomero vsem
6z vsakomerz vsemi

For example,

  • Za vsakogar4 se nekaj najde (There is something for everyone).
  • Vsakdo1 po svojemu okusu (Everyone has their own taste).
  • Dati vse4 od sebe (“Give everything from yourself” is a proverb that means to do your best).

It looks like there is a lot of impersonal pronouns to remember, but you can see that there is a “pattern” for most of them: the prefix, which is a set of letter placed before the “root”.

  • Interrogative pronouns and Arbitrary pronouns are the same (kdo, kaj).
  • For Indefinite pronouns, you add the prefix -ne (nekdo, nekaj).
  • For most Relative pronouns, you add -(e)r at the end (kdor, kar)
  • For Negative pronouns, it is a bit special in the first and fourth declension, but for the rest, you add the prefix -ni (nihče, nič).
  • For Plural pronouns, you add the prefix -marsi (marsikdo, marsikaj).
  • For Universal pronouns, the prefix -vsa is used when referring to a person (vsakdo), but for thing, it has its own (vse).

If you have any questions or learning tricks for impersonal pronouns, don’t hesitate and let me know!

Discover more Slovene “lessons” that might interest you: Slovene Numbers & NumeralsSlovene Nouns & PronounsSlovene VerbsSlovene AdjectivesSlovene SyntaxSlovenian IdiomsSlovene Adverbs.

Alternative Words for “Very” in Slovene

Beside practicing everyday, there are different ways to improve your Slovene. You can watch TV (or movies), read newspapers (or books), listen to radio (or music). Through those exercises, you can develop and diversify your vocabulary. This way, you can avoid repeating and overusing the same basic words, like “very”.

Here’s a list of alternative words to use instead of zelo (very).

Zelo lep (very pretty, very nice) – krasen (beautiful), čudovit (wonderful)

  • Obleka je zelo lepa (The dress is very pretty) becomes Obleka je krasna (The dress is beautiful).
  • Imeli smo zelo lep večer (We had a very nice evening) becomes Imeli smo čudovit večer (We had a wonderful evening).

Zelo slab (very bad), zelo grd (very ugly) – grozen (dreadful, terrible, awful)

  • Ta človek je zelo slab (This person is very bad) becomes Ta človek je grozen (This person is terrible).
  • Ta brazgotina izgleda zelo grdo (This scar looks very ugly) becomes Ta brazgotina izgleda grozno (This scar looks awful).

Zelo velik (very big) – ogromen (huge, gigantic, immense, vast)

  • Dinozavri so bili zelo velike živali (Dinosaurs were very big animals) becomes Dinozavri so bili ogromne živali (Dinosaurs were gigantic animals).
  • Ta hiša je zelo velika (This house is very big) becomes Ta hiša je ogromna (This house is huge).

Zelo majhen (very small), zelo kratka (very short) – mini (mini)

  • Stanovanje je zelo majhno (The apartment is very small) becomes Stanovanje je mini (The apartment is mini).
  • Larina obleka je zelo kratka (Lara’s dress is very short) becomes Larina obleka je mini (Lara’s dress is mini).

Zelo mrzel (very cold) – leden (icy, freezing)

  • Tilen ima zelo mrzle roke (Tilen has very cold hands) becomes Tilen ima ledene roke (Tilen has icy hands).
  • Voda v jezeru je zelo mrzla (The water in the lake is very cold) becomes Voda v jezeru je ledena (The water in the lake is freezing).

Zelo jezen (very angry) – besen (furious, enraged, mad)

  • Bil je zelo jezen, ko je izvedel novico (He was very angry when he found out the news) becomes Bil je besen, ko je izvedel novico (He was furious when he found out the news).
  • Besen kot ris (Enraged like a lynx) is an idiom that means to be very angry.

Zelo dober (very good) – odličen (excellent)

  • Torta je bila zelo dobra (The cake was very good) becomes Torta je bila odlična (The cake was excellent).
  • Karl je zelo dober kuhar (Karl is a very good cook) becomes Karl je odličen kuhar (Karl is an excellent cook).

Zelo pečen (very baked, very roasted) – zažgan (burnt)

  • Meso je zelo pečen (The meat is very roasted) becomes Meso je zažgano (The meat is burnt).
  • Saša ima rada piškote, ki so zelo pečeni (Saša likes cookies that are very baked) becomes Saša ima rada piškote, ki so zažgani (Saša likes cookies that are burnt).

Sometimes, the alternative word for zelo is simply the suffix -pre.

  • zelo srečen (very happy) – presrečen (overjoyed)
  • zelo bogat (very rich) – prebogat (wealthy)
  • zelo prijeten (very nice, very pleasant) – preprijeten (kind)

Of course, the suffix -pre can also mean preveč (too much).

  • preveč močen (too strong) – premočen
  • preveč glasen (too loud) – preglasen
  • preveč daleč (too far) – predaleč

I’m sure that there are more alternative words that can be used instead of zelo, but finding and pairing them is not always obvious. If you can think of any others, please do let me know, because we all want to improve our Slovene!

Discover more Slovene “lessons” that might interest you: Slovene Numbers & NumeralsSlovene Nouns & PronounsSlovene VerbsSlovene AdjectivesSlovene SyntaxSlovenian IdiomsSlovene Adverbs.

Abbreviation in Slovene

As we know, abbreviation – okrajšava, is the shortened version of a word or a phrase. Just like English, Slovenian abbreviations are only used in their written form. I think that it is quite important and meaningful to know what they stand for – here’s why.

A little anecdote: have you ever come across an abbreviation in a text and not knowing exactly what it stands for? Well, it did happened to me… and it was a little awkward because I was reading the text out loud ^^’ Mind you, after that, I told myself to quickly get familiar with the Slovenian abbreviations.

There are also “sub-categories” of abbreviations. Here are a few examples:

Abbreviations of titles:

  • g. means gospod (Mr)
  • ga. means gospa (Mrs)
  • gdč. means gospodična (Miss)
  • prof. means profesor (professor)
  • dr. means doktor (doctor)
  • dipl. (inž.) means diplomirani (inženir) (graduate (engineer))

Abbreviations of names:

  • BiH means Bosna in Hercegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Gor. means Gorenji/Gorenjska/Gornji while gor. means gorenjski
  • Dol. means Dolenji/Dolenjski/Dolnji while dol. means dolenjski
  • Vel. means Veliki while vel. means velikost

Abbreviations of parts of text:

  • itd. means in tako dalje (and so on)
  • itn. means in tako naprej (and so on)
  • ipd. means in podobno (etc)
  • tj. means to je (that is)
  • npr. means na primer (for example)
  • oz. means oziroma (respectively)
  • t. i. means (tako imenovani ((the so-called)
  • ž. means ženski spol (feminine)
  • b. p. means brez posebnosti (without particularity)
  • gl. means glej (see)
  • t. l. means tega leta (this year) and t. m. means tega meseca (this month)
  • pog. means pogovorno (colloquial)

Of course, there are a lot more abbreviations. My best advice is to mark them down when you see them, because you never know when you will need them 🙂 To verify what they stand for, you can use one of my favorite (free) resource: Fran. If you have any questions or abbreviations that you would like me to add to the list, let me know!

Discover more Slovene “lessons” that might interest you: Slovene Numbers & NumeralsSlovene Nouns & PronounsSlovene VerbsSlovene AdjectivesSlovene SyntaxSlovenian IdiomsSlovene Adverbs.

Homonyms Verbs in Slovene

Have you ever notice how some verbs have the same infinitive form, but become different when conjugated? Well, that’s because they are “homonyms verbs” – same spelling or pronunciation but completely different meaning!

It can be quite confusing at first, when conjugating in Present Tense and the Participle in Past and Future Tense in Slovene, but fun to learn about.

1. to stand | i.e. Janez stoji pri vratih (Janez is standing at the door).
2. to cost | i.e. Koliko stane ta torta (How much does this cake cost)?

1. to bathe | i.e. Mami kopa/koplje dojenčka s toplo vodo (The mother bathes the baby with warm water).
2. to dig | i.e. Liam kopa/koplje luknjo z bagrom (Liam is digging a hole with the excavator).

1. to be | i.e. On je Miha (He is Miha).
2. to strike | Opolnoči ura bije dvanajstkrat (At mignight the clock strikes twelve times).

1. to carry out | i.e. Peter izvede načrt (Peter carries out the plan).
2. to embroider | i.e. Vesna izveze prt (Vesna embroiders a tablecloth).

1. to mow | i.e. Marko kosi travo (Marko mows the grass).
2. to lunch | i.e. Karl kosi v restavraciji vsak dan (Karl lunches at the restaurant everyday).

1. to fall | i.e. Dež pada (Rain is falling).
2. to pasture, to graze | i.e. Miha pase krave na planini (Miha grazes the cows in the mountain).

1. to step | i.e. Natalija stopi na travo (Natalija is stepping on the grass).
2. to melt | i.e. Sneg se stopi spomladi (Snow melts during springtime).
The conjugated form is written the same, despite being two different verbs.

1. to sing | i.e. Tanja zapoje od veselja (Tanja sings with happiness).
2. to button, to fasten | Zapnem čevlje (I fasten my shoes).

Slovene verbs are so interesting, just like these examples of “homonyms verbs”. Can you think of any others? If so, do share with me in the comments, and I will add them to the list!

The infinitive forms were focused in this blog, but sometimes, the conjugated forms or even the participle are also homonyms. Sometimes, the same verb, but a simple “se/si” (reflexive pronouns) will give a different meaning!

Discover more Slovene “lessons” that might interest you: Slovene Numbers & NumeralsSlovene Nouns & PronounsSlovene VerbsSlovene AdjectivesSlovene SyntaxSlovenian Idioms, Slovene Adverbs.

Demonstrative Pronouns in Slovene – This and That

Demonstrative pronouns, also known as kazalni zaimki, are pronouns that show or point at something. In general, there are “three levels” of demonstrative pronouns in Slovene – which are sorted depending on the distance, both in time and space, between the object that is pointed at and the speaker.

“This” (tam) and “that” (tistim and onim) are the same as in English, but instead of having just a singular and plural form, the Slovene form is “fully” declined. This means:

It might seems like a lot, but please do not panic. Keep reading.

Ta – This

The demonstrative pronouns “ta” is used to points at objects that is directly in the vicinity of the speaker or something that is close to the speaker. It can also be used to refer to something that has just been mentioned.

For example,

  • Ta teden ima dopust (This week I have holidays).
  • Vidite, ta punca, ki se sedi pred vami, je Petrova hčerka (You see, this girl sitting in front of you, is Peter’s daughter).
  • Fiona rada ima to mavrično torto (Fiona likes this rainbow cake).

Tisti – That

The demonstrative pronoun “tisti” is used to indicate something that is relatively distant from the speaker. It can also be used with something that had been previously mentioned.

For example,

  • Tisti tam je naš nov sosed (That one there is our new neighbor).
  • Lani sem rodila hčerko, tistega dne ne bom nikoli pozabila (Last year I gave birth to my daughter, that day I will never forget).
  • Hodil je v tisto šolo na drugi strani parka (He went to that school on the other side of park).

Oni – That

The demonstrative pronoun “oni” is used to indicate something that is very distant from the speaker. It is also use to point at something that is unknown, unnamed or unspecific.

For example,

  • Ta skupina otrok se igra v igralnici, oni pa bere pod drevesom (This group of kids plays in the playground, that one reads under the tree).
  • Ona stran gozda je porasla z grmovjem (That side of the forest has grown with bushes).
  • V parku vedno srečaš tega ali onega znanca (You always meet this or that acquaintance in the park).

Table for “Ta

1ta – ta – tota – ti – titi – te – ta
2tega – te – tegatehteh
3temu – tej – temutematem
4ta/tega – to – tota – ti – tite – te -ta
5pri tem – pri tej – pri tempri tehpri teh
6s tem – s to – s tems temas temi

Table for “Tisti

1tisti – tista – tistotista – tisti – tistitisti – tiste – tista
2tistega – tiste – tistegatistihtistih
3tistemu – tisti – tistemutistimatistim
4tisti/tistega – tisto – tistotista – tisti – tistitiste – tiste –tista
5pri tistem – pri tisti – pri tistempri tistihpri tistih
6s tistim – s tisto – s tistims tistimas tistimi

Table for “Oni

1oni – ona – onoona – oni – onioni – one – ona
2onega –one – onegaonihonih
3onemu – oni – onemuonimaonim
4oni/onega – ono – onoona – oni – onione – one –ona
5pri onem – pri oni – pri onempri onihpri onih
6s onim – s ono – s onims onimas onimi
Reminder:  (Eednina/singular, (Ddvojina/dual, (Mmnožina/plural and (mmoški/masculine, (žženski/feminine, (ssrednji/neutral.

As you can see, there are a lot of similarities through all three demonstratives pronouns:

  • marked in blue are -e instead of the usual -i,
  • marked in bold are the same for all three genders,
  • marked in red are the same in dual and plural forms and
  • tisti and oni, they are basically the same thing: just replace “tist-” with “on-.

So, the demonstrative pronouns in Slovene go from nearest to farthest: tatistioni. For example,

  • To knjigo, ki jo imam v roki, berem zdaj (This book, that I have in my hand, I am reading now).
  • Tiste, ki so na polici, bom brala otrokom zvečer. (Those, that are on the shelf, I will read to my kids in the evening).
  • Ne vem, kdaj bom dobila one, ki sem jih naročila v knjižnici (I don’t know when I will get those, that I ordered from the library).

Demonstrative pronouns in Slovene have a lot more “forms” that in English, but don’t worry – it’s all about endings that you probably already know, and if not, just take it slow. Practice makes perfect! If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate and ask me!

Slovene Nouns to Adjectives – Vrstni Pridevnik

As we know, adjectives are used to describe or modify how a noun is. There are also different types of adjectives in Slovene, but they can’t be directly translated into English:

  • lastnostni (kakovostni) pridevnik (characteristic or qualitative adjective),
  • svojilni pridevnik (possessive adjective) and
  • vrstni pridevnik (“kind” adjective).

Lastnostni pridevniki or kakovostni pridevniki are descriptive adjectives. They are used to describe specific characteristic that are proper to the noun (color, size, age, shape) and answer the question kakšen (how is). For example,

  • Vozim hiter avto4. (I drive a fast car).
  • To je velika hiša1 (This is a big house).
  • Kopali smo se v toplem morju5 (We swam in the warm sea).

As you can see, the adjective always follows the declension of the noun.

To learn more about declension of adjective, read Slovene Adjectives in General.

Svojilni pridevniki are possessive adjectives used to describe the ownership of the noun. They answer the question čigav (whose). For example,

  • Tim vozi Markov traktor4 (Tim is driving Mark’s tractor).
  • Mira je Janina sestra1 (Mira is Jana’s sister).
  • Ne maram sosedovega psa2(I don’t like the neighbor’s dog).

As you can see, -ov + the corresponding ending is added to masculine nouns, while -in + the corresponding ending is added to feminine nouns.

Please note that possessive adjectives are different from possessive pronouns. Learn more here.

Vrstni pridevniki are adjectives “made from nouns”. They are also used to describe a noun, but specifically the “type”, “kind” or ”category”, which answer the question “kateri” (which). The adjective’s endings can be put into groups, but unfortunately without any patterns.

Adjectives ending with -ni

  • turist (tourist) – turistično mesto (touristic town)
  • jagoda (strawberry) – jagodna marmelada (strawberry jam)
  • mesto (town) – mestni avtobus (city bus)
  • čokolada (chocolate) – čokoladna torta (chocolate cake)

Adjectives ending with –ski or –ški

  • morje (sea) – morski sadeži (seafood)
  • Slovenija (Slovenia) – slovenska zastava (Slovenian flag)
  • nedelja (Sunday) – nedeljsko kosilo (Sunday lunch)
  • otrok (child) – otroško igrišče (children playground)

Adjectives ending with -ov

  • oreh (walnut) – orehova potica (walnut potica)
  • borovnica (blueberry) – borovničev sok (blueberry juice)
  • sir (cheese) – sirov zavitek (cheese strudel)
  • kokos (coconut) – kokosovo mleko (coconut milk)

Adjectives ending with -nji

  • jutro (morning) – jutranje vaje (morning exercises)
  • noter (interior) – notranji bazen (inside pool)
  • jutri (tomorrow) – jutrišnji dan (tomorrow day)
  • blizu (near) – bližnji vzhod (nearby exit)

Adjectives ending with -ji

  • pes (dog) – pasji frizer (dog groomer)
  • maček (cat) – mačja trava (catnip)
  • medved (bear) – medvedja šapa (bear paw)
The difference between lastnostni pridevnik and vrstni pridevnik is the question that they answer. Lastnostni pridevnik is used for description of shape, color, size and age, while vrstni pridevnik is used to describe the type or kind.
Tim potuje po Sloveniji z novim modrim električnim avtom6 (Tim travels around Slovenia with a new blue electric car).
Dalia ne mara svežega kozjega mleka2 (Dalia doesn’t like fresh goat milk).
Martin rad je slastno mehiško hrano4 (Martin likes to eat delicious Mexican food).

Knowing that some adjectives can be made from noun is a fun and useful way to learn Slovene. It’s like killing two birds with one stone! With adjectives, no matter which type, do remember that the declension is the same as the noun. If you have any questions, comments or adjectives that you would like to add, please let me know!

Discover more Slovene “lessons” that might interest you: Slovene Numbers & NumeralsSlovene Nouns & PronounsSlovene VerbsSlovene AdjectivesSlovene SyntaxSlovenian IdiomsSlovene Adverbs.

Possessive Pronouns in Slovene

Possessive pronouns in Slovene are also known as svojilni zaimek. Same as in English, they are a group of words that are used to indicate possession or ownership of something. It also answers the question word čigav, which means whose.

In Slovene, there are:

  • three persons: first person, second person and third person,
  • three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter and
  • three grammatical numbers: singular, dual and plural.

In this end, there is a lot of subjects, which are the personal pronouns in first sklon. But possessive pronouns are simpler, as the gender distinction is only in singular third person.

Personal Possessive Pronouns / Adjective

Here are the basic (first sklon) form of the personal possessive pronouns in Slovene for all three genders: masculine (m), feminine (ž) and neuter (s).

Singular Form – Ednina


Dual Form – Dvojina

Our twonajinnajinanajino
Your twovajinvajinavajino
Their twonjunnjunanjuno

Plural Form – Množina

Reminder* is the famous bracket (cčšž, j) where the o changes into e.

These possessive pronouns in Slovene are actually possessive determiners AND possessive pronouns in English. But in Slovene, they acts similar to Slovene adjectives, which means that they are declined following the corresponding noun. Remember that the gender of the subject matters for the singular third person (he, she, it – his, her, its).

Here’s a few examples as possessive determiners, which needs to be used with a noun.

  • Moj pes1 je bel (My dog is white).
  • Jan nima njegovega telefona2 (Jan doesn’t have his phone).
  • Mina je njuno kosilo4 (Mina eats her lunch).
  • Peter je šel z našim učiteljem6 (Peter went with our teacher).

Bonus: Slovene is a precise language, therefore:

  • Filip je najin sin1 (Filip is our son – both parents).

Here’s a few examples as possessive pronouns, which are used “alone”. But remember that the function of a pronouns is to replace a noun. Therefore, subject, gender and grammatical numbers all have to correspond.

  • Čigava je hiša? Moja. (Whose house it is? Mine.)
  • Čigav je pes? Njegov. (Whose dog it is? His.)
  • Čigavo je kolo? Njeno. (Whose bicycle it is? Hers)

Bonus: “Ta” is masculine and also feminine. “To” is neuter.

  • Ta je moj1 (This is mine).
  • Ta je moja1 (This is mine).
  • To je moje/naše/vaše1 (This is mine/ours/yours).

Reflexive Possessive Pronouns

In Slovene, there is reflexive possessive pronouns, known as povratni svojilni zaimek. It is used to express the property of the subject.

There is just “one word” used to express it for all the different subjects: svoj (one’s own) BUT it is declined by gender, grammatical numbers and skloni following the general table of endings, according

Singular Form – Ednina

SKLON 1svojsvojasvoje
SKLON 2svojegasvojesvojega
SKLON 3svojemusvojisvojemu
SKLON 4svojega ❤
SKLON 5svojemsvojisvojem
SKLON 6svojimsvojosvojim

Here’s a few examples of reflexive possessive pronouns.

  • Nina je svoje kosilo4 (Nina eats her own lunch).
  • Mark nima svojega avta2 (Mark doesn’t have his own car).
  • Jan sedi pri svoji hiši5 (Jan sits by his own house).

Bonus: Look at the “slight” difference in meaning.

  • Teja mu3 je prinesla njegov telefon4 (Teja brought him his phone).
  • Teja mu3 je prinesla svoj telefon4 (Teja brought him her phone).

Possessive Adjectives from Names

When a noun is the owner, the possessive adjective from names are used – svojilni pridevniki iz lastnih imen. In this case, you need to pay attention to the gender of the owner and the gender of the thing that is owned.

For masculine name, you add -ov + the corresponding ending in red.
For feminine name, you add -in and the corresponding ending in red.

JAN (Jan’s)JANA (Jana’s)
Janov_*brat (brother)Janin_
Janova*sestra (sister)Janina
Janovo*kolo (bicycle)Janino
Reminder* is the famous bracket (cčšž, j) where the o changes into e.

For example,

  • Peter je Nikov dedek (Peter is Nik’s grandfather).
  • Mirina hiša je najlepša (Mira’s house is the prettiest).
  • Domnovo kolo je modro (Domen’s bicycle is blue).

Bonus: here are some exceptions:

  • Peter – Petrov (Peter’s)
  • Babica – Babičin (Grandmother’s)
  • Oče – Očetov (Father’s)
  • Stric – Stričev (Uncle’s)

Expressing possession or ownership might seem confusing at first, mainly because there are “many of them”. My suggestion is to keep it simple. First, remember the “basic forms” then the rest will come naturally because they are declined as nouns and follows the general table of endings. Do keep in mind that all elements have to match (subject, gender, grammatical numbers)! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate and let me know!

Discover more Slovene “lessons” that might interest you: Slovene Numbers & NumeralsSlovene Nouns & PronounsSlovene VerbsSlovene AdjectivesSlovene SyntaxSlovenian IdiomsSlovene Adverbs.

Anna’s tricks about Skloni

As we know, Slovene is a very precise language and its grammar can seem very complex and complicated. But if you are able to find a way of thinking that can help you detangle it, then everything will be much easier. I know that everyone’s way of logic is different, so this might work for you… or not.

In this post, I’m just going to attempt to show you what’s going in my mind when I see a sentence in Slovene – my personal algorithm to determine which sklon is being used. (This post is not about endings, as I’ve already mentioned tricks by comparison in my posts about each sklon).

Keep in mind that all elements of a sentence can be an important clue of some sort but to decide which sklon to use, I focus on two: verbs and prepositions.

Clue – Verbs

The first element that I like to look for is the verb, which are the action words used to describe what the subject is doing, because it is present in most sentence.

Is the verb used biti (to be)?

  • If the answer is yes, then it is in first sklon.
    For example, Jaz sem Anna1 (I am Anna).
  • Bonus: If the verb biti is used in negative, it is also in first sklon.
    For example, Nisem Anja1 (I am not Anja).
SKLON 1 Verbs postati (to become), ostati (to stay), imenovati se (to be named) are in first sklon.
  • If the answer is no, then go to the next question.

Is the verb negative (-) or affirmative (+)?

  • If the answer is negative, then it is in second sklon.
    For example, Nimam psa2 (I don’t have a dog).
SKLON 2 Verbs bati se (to be afraid of), dotakniti se (to touch), lotiti se (to start working), najesti se (to appease one’s hunger), napiti se (to appease one’s thirst), spomniti se (to remember), veseliti se (to be glad) are specific to the second sklon.
  • If the answer is affirmative, then it is in third or fourth sklon.

Is the object of the verb direct or indirect?

  • If the object is direct, it usually comes right after the verb, then it is in fourth sklon.
    For example, Imam knjigo4 (I have a book)
  • If the object is indirect, which indicates to whom something is done, then it is in third sklon.
    For example, Knjigo4 dam prijatelju3 (I give a book to my friend).
SKLON 3 Verbs čestitati (to congratulate), čuditi se (to wonder), lagati se (to lie), obljubiti (to promise), odpovedati (to cancel), opravičiti se (to excuse), pomagati (to help), pridružiti se (to join), telefonirati (to phone), smejati se (to laugh), zaupati (to trust) are specific to the third sklon.

Clue – Prepositions

Another relevant indicator that you can easily point out are prepositions, because most of them are specific to one sklon. Although, some prepositions can be used with different skloni, which I will to clarify.

If the preposition is specific to one sklon, then it is quite straightforward, you just need to remember them.

SKLON 2 Prepositions blizu (near), brez (without), iz (from), izmed (among), izven (out of), izza (from behind), mimo (passing by), (nasprosti (opposite of), od-do (from-until), okoli (around), okrog (around), poleg (beside), preko (across), sredi (in the middle of), zaradi (because of), zraven (beside) are specific to the second sklon.
SKLON 3Prepositions k/h (to), kljub (despite), proti (against, toward) are specific to the third sklon.
SKLON 4Prepositions skozi (through), čez (across) are specific to the fourth sklon.
SKLON 5Prepositions o (about), ob (at), pri (beside) are specific to the fifth sklon.

Some prepositions are associated with more than one sklon, in that case, you will need to paid attention to the verb used as well as the context.

The preposition v (into, to, in, at) and na (on, at, in) can be fourth or fifth sklon.

  • If the preposition is used with a movement verbs and the context is a destination, then it is in fourth sklon.
    For example, Grem v šolo4 (I go to school).
Movement verbs can be hoditi (to walk), iti (to go), priti (to come), teči (to run), voziti (to drive)…
  • If the preposition is used with a verb without movement and the context is a position or location, then it is in fifth sklon.
    For example, Sem v šoli5 (I am in school).
Verbs without movement can be biti (to be), čakati (to wait), ostati (to stay)…

The preposition pred (before), pod (under), za (behind), nad (above), med (in between) can be fourth or sixth sklon.

  • If the context is a destination, then it is in fourth sklon.
    For example, Letalo se je dvignilo nad oblake4 (The plane has raised above the clouds).
  • If the context is a position or location, then it is in sixth sklon.
    For example, Irma se rani nad kolenom6 (Irma wounds herself above the knee).
  • Bonus: If za means “for”, then it is the fourth sklon.
    For example, Marko ima darilo4 za Anno4 (Marko has a gift for Anna).

Beside the context, the meaning can also help you decide which sklon to use.

The preposition po can be fourth or fifth sklon.

  • If po means “for”, then it is in fourth sklon.
    For example, Grem v pekarno4 po kruh4 (I go to the bakery for bread).
  • If po means “around”, then it is in fifth sklon.
    For example, Nik potuje po svetu5 (Nik travels around the world).

The preposition s/z can be in second or sixth sklon.

  • If s/z means “from”, then it is in second sklon.
    For example, Nina je s Ptuja2 (Nina is from Ptuj).
  • If s/z means “with”, then it is in sixth sklon.
    For example, Grem v šolo4 z avtobusom6 (I go to school with bus).

This is just the method that I use to analyze which sklon to use or to know which sklon is being used. And I hope that it help clarify the Slovene skloni, even a little bit.

What about you? What’s going on in your mind when you see a sentence in Slovene? Is your algorithm similar to mine or completely different? Or maybe other elements that can be added? I am quite curious, so please share it with me! And if you have any questions or comments, do let me know!

How to write a formal letter in Slovene

Nowadays, a lot of formal communication is made through emails or letters, either for job application or any official request. Knowing how to properly write a formal letter is thus very important. 

Standard Format of Formal Letter

Above is a template of the elements in a formal letter. I will explain them one by one. Keep in mind that the red dot represents a space line.

1. Your full name is written as follow name (ime) and surname (priimek).

  • Irma Novak

2. Your address (naslov) is written in two lines, the first line is street address while the second line is the postal code and the city. (Under your address, you can also add your phone number and email.)

  • Slovenčeva ulica 1
    1000 Ljubljana

3. Place (kraj) and date (datum) refer where and when the letter was written. Be aware that dates have a specific format. (Check How to Say Dates and Times in Slovene – Part 1 for more details.)

  • Ljubljana, 28.  2. 2021

4. Recipient’s name (prejemnikov naziv) can be a person or place name, depending on the nature of your letter.

  • Janez Mklavž or
  • Rolli Shop D.O.O. or
  • Upravna Enota Kranj

5. Recipient’s address (prejemnikov naslov) is written in two lines as well.

  • Celovška cesta 18
    1000 Ljubljana

6. Zadeva is where you state the subject of your letter.

  • Zadeva: Prijava na razpis za delovno mesto učiteljice (Subject: Application for a job vacancy as teacher)
  • Zadeva: Prošnja za reklamacijo (Subject: Request of complaint)

7. Spoštovani is the conventional greeting for letters (it means “dear”) and it is followed by a comma (,) or an exclamation (!). Don’t forget to start with capitals if your greeting ends with an exclamation. You can also add in the recipient name (with title) if you know it.

  • Spoštovani gospod Janez Miklavž,
  • Spoštovana gospa Marta Miklavž,

8. Content (vsebina) is where you write paragraph(s). The content will depend on the nature of your letter, but usually introduce yourself or explain why you are writing. If it is for a job application, aim for 140-150 words, not too long. 

9. S spoštovanjem with a comma (,) is a standard way for the final greeting (it means “with respect”). Other final greetings that you can use are:

  • Lep pozdrav (without comma (,))
  • Lepo Vas pozdravljam. (with an period (.))

10. Signature (podpis) is your handwritten signature, if it is an actually printed letter.

11. Your full name again.

12. Priloge is where you list the attachments that are included.

  • Priloge:
    – življenjepis (resume)
    – priporočilo (recommendation letter)
    – fotokopija diplome (copy of diploma)

Personally, I am not a big fan of formal letters, as I’m never sure how to get it started and what to write… (Yes, I blog, but it’s a lot more friendly). So I hope that this post was able to demystify the “how to write a formal letter in Slovene” or at least, a standard template, because what to write as content… that’s a different and unique story.