Finding Geodes in Slovenia

Hey guys,
for those who doesn’t know. I actually live in an area surrounded by “minerals paths” – so lots of rocks everywhere. Nearby is Dovžanova Soteska, where you can see Travis Breccia (minerals that were formed 267 millions years ago). And every year, on the second weekend of May, Minfos – an international event about minerals and fossils, is held in Tržič.

So, this is the little treasure that our neighbor found while walking his dog and he generously gave it my overly happy kids: a white geode!

Anna in Slovenia | Finding Geode in Slovenia
Finding Geode in Slovenia

A geode is basically a hollow rock with crystals inside. How is it formed? Basically, minerals from water get deposited into the rock’s cavity and with time (a very long period of time), the geode forms.

You need to be lucky and know where and what to look for. In general, a geode:

  • has a spherical, round-ish shape (like an egg),
  • has a bumpy and textured surface,
  • sounds hollow (try to shake it to see if you can hear some “loose” crystal) and
  • weights lighter (unless it is filled with crystals).

No need to say that my kids were super excited and we have been walking a lot, up and down the paths recently. We didn’t find any geode, but it was a very fun exploration activity.

6 thoughts on “Finding Geodes in Slovenia

  1. Pozdravljeni Anna 🙂

    To je zanimivo 🙂 Hvala!
    I have restarted learning Slovenian in my spare time, and as always, your website is super helpful! 🙂 Thanks a lot for keeping posting new blogs 🙂


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